
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Caring for the BlackBerry Smart Tips

Tips that we do not slow BB and its performance remains smooth and stable, because the BB is not HP's usual, but a Smartphone. These tips apply to all types of BlackBerry, either Curve, Pearl, Bold or Storm. The following tips can be useful for treatment of your BlackBerry:

    1. Try once every 2-3 days, unplug / remove the battery, BlackBerry mobile phone, and let stand for 1-2 minutes, this function is to dispose of and remove the remnants of unused files due process of chatting and browsing.
    2. You can also perform regularly Memory Cleaning, by going to Options, Security Options, Advanced Security Options, then select the Memory Cleaning feature and select Enable to activate the mode.
    3. Every 2-3 days, do the Host Routing Table, by going to Options, Advanced Options, select Host Routing Table, press the BlackBerry logo icon and select Register Now.
    4. After the step to 3 above, do well every 2-3 days Diagnostic Test, this is very important. Because this is visible through the screen if we are connected all BlackBerry smartphones, both the PIN, the Registry and Email connection. By the way, select Options, Mobile Network, then press your BlackBerry logo icon, select Diagnostic Test, then press the BlackBerry logo icon, select RUN, let it run until the process is complete. If when you are finished processing this feature, you experience a failure, repeat again that the results of a diagnostic test that fails you have nothing.

That's just tips for the performance of your BlackBerry back smoothly, stable and not slow. Hopefully these tips can be helpful. Since the BlackBerry is a class of smart gadgets, you are also expected to remain good care to avoid error.

10 Tips to Caring Consumer Electronics

Electronic items can be found everywhere. Wherever we go there's always people who use mobile phones, notebooks, MP3 players, and others. It could even be, a person has more than one electronic goods.

Electronic items are very diverse functions, perhaps even still be growing. For example, the phone application developed into an application data transmission of text and images. Coupled with integrated Internet network with electronic items.

Seeing the current development of electronic goods then we must be very clever to care for and maintain electronic goods. In this section, will be given some suggestions for caring for your electronic goods.

   1. Give the wrapping or container that is not exposed to dust. It also avoids a direct clash. The container must also have a hole so that the heat from electronic goods to come out.
   2. Use a soft cloth material such as cloth for wiping glasses either screen or any other part.
   3. Use a special cleaning fluid / lens cleaner to clean the stain on the screen.
   4. Give sufficient time for electronic goods to eliminate the heat after use in a long time.
   5. Save electronic goods at a place that is cold enough, but not humid because humidity can accelerate damage to electronic items.
   6. Avoid contact direct sunlight and heat the rooms. Excessive heat can damage the existing components. Examples of the room is the room hot car parked in the sun.
   7. If you do not understand how to repair electronic goods, take it to the service can really be trusted, or service center products.
   8. Keep your electronics warranty card. Generally, you get the chance for free servicing or maintenance of products. This cost-effective way to keep your electronics can wear.
   9. Avoid moving electronic goods of medium size or large in light conditions. Instead, enter into standby mode or hibernate (if any).
  10. Keep electronic items of food and beverages. Who knows when food or beverages can contaminate even damage your electronics.

With improved care of the performance of electronic goods will also be optimized so that we will further facilitate our activities with diverse functions.

Tips to keep your laptop battery remains durable

Notebook or laptop is more often known by now no longer a rare item, especially for students and practitioners work. Almost everyone has a battery-powered mobile computer. Batteries to be one of the most important part of the laptop because it is very necessary if we're mobile and there is no power source around us at that time. Here are practical tips how to keep our laptop batteries to remain durable and not easily damaged:
1. Never use the charger at random.
If at any time our laptop charger broke, do not wear sekali2 charger is not compatible with our laptop. At least we do not use the charger from a different laptop brands, though the situation was an emergency. Since each character has a charger and a battery current and voltage sendiri2. Wearing an incompatible charger can make your laptop battery can be easily damaged even heat and explode.
2. Do not assume the notebook
Using a notebook by lap can clog the vent fan laptop so the laptop and the battery becomes hot quickly. This was reinforced by our body temperature is too warm. Excessive heat causes sel2 our notebook battery become damaged quickly.
3. Always check the cleanliness of the battery.
Clean the battery contacts are always debu2 or metal2 existing, must be no paper clips or other logam2 kontak2 that can connect them. If it happens bisa2 our laptops and batteries short-circuiting. Even the smallest dust which could potentially make the battery connector is corroded and rusted metal.
4. Do not use the notebook on the carpet or the sofa or other yanglunak place.
If you want to use the notebook in place of the above, use a hard base. Because if not .. then the laptop will experience overheating due to blockage of the ventilation holes by tsb carpet.
5. Avoid shocks, pressure or hard impact on the battery or the laptop.
6. Do enaruh laptop in hot, like the sun baewah etc..
7. Do not use a laptop in a place that is too moist or wet.
It is feared is the presence of water that can damage the battery and laptop sirkuit2 us. always keep our laptops from water and excessive heat.

9. Do not be too long to charge the battery.
Make sure you disconnect your charger if the battery is full. Do not be too long to charge the battery if it is full, let alone to be left to sleep, it can accelerate age sel2 that is in your notebook battery.
10. carefully read the manual book.
Some brand laptop has a special rule with respect to their products. Read the manual book your laptop and make sure we make it as a guideline usage.

Data Logger Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module Using DHT11

DHT11 is a sensor module temperature and relative humidity in a single package. This module requires low power consumption making it suitable to be used for application data logger with battery power supply. This module has guaranteed stability in the long term and the outputs are calibrated, making it suitable to be used as sensors for temperature and humidity data logger air.

DHT11 can measure temperatures between 00-50 degrees Celsius and humidity between 20-90% respectively with a resolution of 0.1 degrees Celsius and 1% RH (Relative Humidity). Accuracy for temperature and humidity measurements are (+/-) (+/-) 2 degrees Celsius and 4% RH.

DHT11 sensor module output has been calibrated in the calibration tube accurately, and the calibration coefficients stored in OTP memory. DHT11 using the good moisture sensor technology and data acquisition techniques used exclusively by utilizing 8-bit microcontroller to generate data in a single-bus format.

With the relatively small size, low power consumption, and can transmit data as far as 20m, then DHT11 very suitable for use in data acquisition system temperature and air humidity in the weather-station applications, green-house, warehouse, data center environment monitoring, and others.

The picture is a data acquisition module temperature and humidity using DHT11 sensor module with RS232 serial data output.

Module using ATmega8 AVR microcontroller with firmware created using the open-source Arduino. Modules are available in modular form that comes with source-code and Arduino source-code examples of applications of temperature and humidity data readings using VB.NET 2005 Express Edition.

                                                           Here is a display program.

One more thing, DHT11 an economical solution for measurements of temperature and humidity. So if you need a module temperature and humidity sensors for applications such as monitoring temperature and humidity server room or warehouse, temperature and humidity control green-house, and the weather station, then DHT11 is perfect for those needs.

ATmega8535 + LM35DZ + LCD + Keys + Relay

Do not misinterpret the title above, it is not a mathematical expression with variables ATMEGA8535, LM35DZ, etc.. The title above is a monitoring system and microcontroller based temperature controller with temperature sensors LM35DZ ATMEGA8535 equipped with a digital viewer in the form of 16 × 2 character LCD. The system also has several buttons for setting operational parameters. As a control output relay is used which has a terminal NO, NC, and COMMON.
                                                Here is a photo system I'm referring to ...

The system can detect a temperature between 000-100 degrees Celsius. The actual temperature of the PV (Process Value) displayed continuously on the LCD with an accuracy behind the decimal comma. In addition to actual temperatures, the program also displays the temperature of the target SV (Setting Value) and the condition of the relay status (ON / OFF).
To make setting a target temperature of the SV (Setting Value), it is used operational buttons. In addition to the target temperature, the system also has several parameters that can set the MODE, HYS, and CAL.
MODE can be set to the value HEATING or COOLING. This parameter indicates the application of the controller. If MODE = HEATING, it serves as a heater controller that controls the load of the heating element. In this mode, if the actual temperature (PV) less than the target temperature (SV), then the relay will be ON. Working system controller as the heater can be illustrated by the If-Then statement as follows:

If (SV-PV> = HYS) Then RELAY = ON

Else If (PV-SV> = HYS) Then RELAY = OFF
If MODE = COOLING, then the controller that controls the cooling function as a pump or fan loads. In this mode, the controller works in contrast with the Heating mode.
HYS (Hysteresis) is a plus-minus is used as a benchmark by the controller to turn off or turn on the relay. Such as SV = 70 and HYS = 2, then the relay will be ON during PV <= (SV +2), and the relay will be OFF when PV> (SV +2). Furthermore, the relay will be ON again when PV <(SV +2).
CAL (Calibration) is a constant value of temperature display proofreaders. Such a temperature controller displayed 28 degrees, while the instruments that we make the benchmark show the temperature of 29 degrees. Then the controller temperature display can be customized by adding the value 1 in the CAL parameter. So the temperature controller is shown PV + CAL.
Similarly, a glimpse of ATMEGA8535-based temperature control system equipped with an LCD display, keypad operation, the output relay.

V2PWM - Voltage Converter Module-to-PWM-Based ATmega8

V2PWM module is a converter Voltage-to-PWM functioning in changing the voltage to the PWM pulse. This module has input voltage of 0-5V DC or 0-10V DC, with the output of the PWM pulse. The module is equipped with a L293D motor driver components.

With this module you can control the rotation speed of a DC motor in accordance with the magnitude of the input voltage applied to the module. In addition to pictures, mini fan rotation speed is controlled based on temperature conditions that are read by LM35-Zelio module.

LM35-Zelio module has output voltage between 0-10V DC which represents the value of the temperature between 000-100 degrees Celsius. The output voltage is used as the input voltage of the module V2PWM. This input voltage is converted into a PWM pulse by the microcontroller ATmega8.

Furthermore, the PWM pulse will trigger the DC motor driver L293D, and mini fan will spin at speeds comparable to the magnitude reply temperature measured by LM35-Zelio module. The higher the temperature, then the mini fan will spin faster.

     This module is suitable for experimental material control system uses PLC functions involving analog input and analog output.

To perform experiments analog inputs and analog outputs, normally used as the unit of analogue input module temperature sensor or a temperature controller with an output voltage 0-10V DC. And analog outputs are used as the unit that controls the inverter AC motor rotation speed.

If you need a module to experiment with the functions of PLC analog input and analog output, the LM35-Zelio module and module-to-PWM Voltage you can use. Both are solutions at an economical cost.

LM35 Temperature Sensor Modules for Zelio Smart Relay

Some types of Zelio Smart-Relay is equipped with an analog input 0-10V DC, one of which is Zelio SR3B101BD. With the analog input, then the Zelio can accept analog input voltage of the transducer. Thus, Zelio can be used to control analog output system based on the condition of a sensor.
The picture is a LM35 Temperature Sensor Modules for Zelio PLC or a ready-made. This module has a voltage output 0-10V for the measurement of the temperature range 0 ° C - 100 ° C. This module requires a supply voltage between 12-24V DC. Therefore it is suitable for use with Zelio Smart Relay.
LM35 Temperature Sensor Module can be used for applications such as room temperature controller, temperature controller greenhouses, or for experiments in the laboratory.
Here is a sample program that serves Zelio SR3B101BD temperature display on Zelio display and control the turn on the relay when the temperature is more than equal to 50 ° C.

Pictured above is a simulation result when the temperature of 29 ° C. Output Q4 is OFF.

Pictured above is a simulation result when the temperature of 50 ° C. Output Q4 turned ON.
IB-IE is the analog input to 8-bit ADC that converts the analog input 0-10V into digital 0-255. GAIN component in this program to convert function (mapping) data 0-255 to 0-100 ° C. And as a comparator used to compare the component input numeric constants 50. The program also displays temperature data in the display Zelio.

                          Examples of these programs you can download using the link below.
Sensor modules for Zelio LM35 is available in the form of a series of finished and ready-print PCB layout. If interested please visit the website: The module is equipped with a schematic and an explanation and how calibration. In addition the module also comes with sample applications that can be tailored to your needs.
This module can also be applied to microcontroller-based systems, both for AT89S51 microcontroller-based system equipped with a series of ADC, or AVR microcontroller based systems.

Ponyser - AVR Serial Programmer The Cheap But Reliable

Ponyser is one variant of the well-known AVR serial programmer and recorded in the list of programmers who are supported by the program AVRDUDE. Ponyser designed by Claudio Lanconelli.


PonyProg is one of the serial chip programming tools are very popular. In addition to free, this software can program the chip with a serial connection I ² C Bus, Microwire, and SPI eeprom, and can program the Atmel AVR microcontroller and some types AT89S, and also artificial Microchip microcontroller.

Interface circuit for programming Atmel AVR microcontroller through the serial port is quite simple and many variations of the circuit that has been created by users AVR microcontroller. Here is one variation that I found on the internet and I'm drawing again with little change.

By using a series Ponyser above and PonyProg program, we can program AVR microcontroller smoothly. To configure the interface, then do the setting as shown below display.

This dialog can be accessed on the submenu Interface Setup ... in the Setup menu. This type of interface used is the SI Prog API. Furthermore, please be selected serial port is used. On my computer, I use COM1. You can execute the Probe button to perform the testing.

If everything runs smoothly you can instantly use it to read and write the program from and into the AVR microcontroller.

For testing, I used the AVR ATtiny2313 and ATmega8L. The result is very satisfactory. Here are excerpts display PonyProg program for

The process of reading is also quite fast. It's not as fast as AVRDUDE, but no matter, the important process is correct. : D

PonyProg supports many types of AVR microcontrollers. Although not all of them, but PonyProg can be used as a programming tool for both beginners and professionals. And if you ATtiny2313 and ATmega8 users like me, then PonyProg is suitable for you.

Well, for those beginners who want to experiment with Atmel AVR microcontroller, then the alloy Ponyser and PonyProg is suitable for you. In addition to cheap, programmer has proved reliable and has been widely used by people worldwide.

LPT-AC220V - VB.NET Demo Program

LPT-AC220V module is a simple module that can be used to control electrical appliances through the computer parallel port.

This module is suitable for you who are studying programming interface via the parallel port. In addition to cheap, this module can be used on any computer that has a parallel port.

Regardless of the operating system used and any programming language used, this module can be used easily.

Here are examples of electrical equipment control programs through the parallel port using the LPT module-AC220V the listing program you can have by commenting on this post.

The program still uses the parallel port driver of the inpout32.dll Logix4U which is included in VB.NET program listings I provided.

The picture on the right side is an excerpt of the program. If the ON button is pressed, then the electrical equipment connected to the LPT-AC220V module will light. To turn it off, it can be compressed OFF button.

Simply put, electrical appliances can be turned on by sending data 255 (decimal) or FF (hex) or 1111 to 1111 (binary) to the parallel port. And to turn off electrical equipment, then the program sends data 0.

LPT-4DCM - DC Motor Control 4 Fruit Of LPT (Parallel Port)

Controlling the 4 pieces of small DC motors (max 600mA) now you can do easily from your computer using LPT parallel port interface. All you need is the LPT module-4DCM.

As shown by the photographs in addition, the module can control the LPT-4DCM 4 pieces of small DC motors. Controls include clock-wised Rotation (CW), Counter-Clock Wised Rotation (CCW), and STOP.

LPT-4DCM module uses 2 IC L293 each used to drive a DC motor with 2 pieces of maximum current 600mA - 1.2 A. With this module, you can easily drive the motor and controlling the direction of motor rotation with a computer programming language that you know well.

If you buy-4DCM LPT module, then you will get 1 unit motor driver + 4 small pieces as a complement. And also a CD that contains the installer Editioin VB.NET Express 2005 with a sample program using the motor control applications-4DCM LPT module complete with source-code and library inpout32.
Board Starduino using ATMEL AVR ATmega8 as mikrokontrolernya. Slightly different from the Arduino Duemilanove which has 6 PWM pins fruit, fruit Starduino only has 3 PWM pins. Arduino Duemilanove using the ATmega328. However, except for 3 pin PWM, the function of all pins is the same as the Arduino Starduino Duemilanove.

The following figure shows the pin numbers from each terminal on Starduino Board. The numbers correspond to the pin mapping I / O on the Arduino.


Pin terminals numbered 0-7 on the top of the digital pins, as well as pin numbers 8-13 on the bottom terminal. Digital pin 9, 10, and 11 can be used as an output a PWM signal.

Pin 0-5 (Analog In) is the analog input pins ADC0-ADC5 representing. Besides being used as analog input, these pins can also function as a digital pin with the name of A0-A5.

Use of this number is one of the advantages possessed by the Arduino concept. To utilize digital pin, Arduino has some special functions are very easy to understand and use. Here is an example of a simple program accessing digital pin.

void setup()
  pinMode(7, OUTPUT); //pin 7 sebagai keluaran

void loop()

  digitalWrite(7, HIGH); //pin 7 = HIGH
  delay(500); //delay 500ms
  digitalWrite(7, LOW); //pin 7 = LOW
  delay(500); //delay 500ms


It's easy, so although we do not know the pin configuration of ATmega8, we can access these pins directly using the functions provided by the Arduino. Not only easy, Arduino functions have been used and tested by hundreds of thousands or even millions of people, so no need to doubt the quality of its programs.

Power Supply 5V DC and 12V-2A-2A Ready-Reliable and Tiny

Now we no longer have to bother making the power supply circuit or power-supply voltage of 5V and 12V DC for the purposes of experiments and projects of our electronics. We can use the module power supply DC 5V and 12V supply ready-made with 2A current capability. Not only reliable and practical, this power supply module size is also small. However, having the impression of elegance and sturdiness.
Power Supply 5V DC, 2A

Pictured above is a 5V DC power supply unit-2A. Dimensions 70x40x31mm. Tiny is not it?
The power supply can be used on 110/220V AC input voltage. Aluminum casing in addition to providing a solid impression as well as a reliable cooling.
Power supply module is also equipped with a VR to adjust the output voltage. So that we can adjust the output voltage of power supply in accordance with the range we want.
To use this power supply is very easy, we just connect the input terminals to the AC voltage 110/220V. Furthermore, before connecting the 5V output voltage to the circuit, we first measure the output voltage using a digital AVO. If the voltage is less suitable, then turn the VR while still measuring the output voltage to obtain the desired output voltage value. For digital electronics project TTL voltage levels, then the output voltage value 5.2V is still relatively safe to use.
Power Supply DC 12V-2A

To accompany the 5V DC power supply above, the power supply as well as in the picture is very convenient to have. Power supply DC 12V-2A is very mantab used to drive relays, DC motors, solenoids, fans, and others.
The dimensions of the power supply is also not large, measuring only 85x58x33mm. Very fitting as a companion 5V DC power supply for the needs of our electronics experiments.
No different from a 5V power supply above, we stay connected to the input terminal voltage of 110/220V AC. 12V DC power supply ready for use. The power supply is also equipped with a VR to adjust the output voltage at a desired range.
If you wish to decorate your table with a second experiment on the power supply, or if you need a 5V DC power supply and / or a reliable 12V and small for your projects, please directly visit their site at: http://telinks.ds4a . com.